LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009
Juan's Blog
Welcome to Juan's Blog... a place to connect with student Poets of California Poets in the Schools!

Thank you, Tia Chucha's
Winter 2015 Class!
Thank you to my students, Vianey Moreno, Milly Tapia, Justin, Adriana Salazar, Nicole, Ruby, and Angel Hernandez, who already were full fledge Poets from the second they walked in the class. It was an honor to be part of Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural and Bookstore Family this winter of 2015, teaching the poetry sessions titled “From Paz to Ginsberg to Bach”. In this class students learned how to apply the 5 senses to an improve line of though also known as “Stream of consciousness” and how to interpret and personify paintings and music through the Ekphrastic method of poetry, all done in both English, Spanish and Spanglish.
I believe our youth will rule the world on one very near day, I feel it's our duty as responsible adults to empower them with tools that will ease their journey to success in a world where not everything is necessarily fair.
These poetry session were made possible through California Poets in the School(CPITS) with the contribution and support Los Angeles Poet Society, Poets & Writers, The Department of Cultural Affairs, and of course Tia Chucha's beautiful Centro Cultural and Bookstore, a million thanks from the bottom of my Chicano heart.
~ Juan