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Promoting rapid sheltering of unsheltered & unprotected women.


Street Living

A colored scarf of stripes and
Paisleys walked up to me today –
Wrapped around the shoulders
Of a wandering ladybird
An old rhinestone hair clip
Held a thin strand of
Unwashed hair
Clasped unevenly on the back
Of her head
She appeared to have been
Beautiful and stylish once
But now the old plastic sunglasses
She wore hid the story
And trauma in her eyes
Her shoes -
One size too large
Her pain and disappointment -
One load too heavy
Her life’s past and present
Carried in a crumpled shopping bag
She stuck out her small dirty hand
Her red lips painted with a rancid tube
Of lipstick – she asked meekly
“Can you spare some change?”
Sorrow and hopelessness lined the
Face of this woman who
Was once someone’s little girl -
My little girl
Your little girl
Society’s little girl -
I handed her my change
“God Bless You” she whispered
My heart feeling her despair -
She sleeps in concrete corners,
Park bushes, under freeway passes,
Behind trash bins, in cardboard boxes
Nowhere to shower
Nothing to eat
No love, no hugs
No encouraging words
No clean clothes
No family, no home
No hope of protection
From the insanity
And the mayhem
Of street living.


(c)2018 Angela Rose Flores

LA Poet Society

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