#DecemberPoetryChallenge #Day2 "Masked"

Word on the street
are the discarded masks
on the road, bike path, or concrete
it's festering Covid 19 in public
and what about the city
increase the trash receptacles on street corners
instead of masks decorating the crosswalks and paths
and that is a pity, the not pretty
the medical blue issued box
PPE is all too common now
Please discard them post wearing them
safely somehow
This global pandemic is on the increase
Find a way to rid of them in the discreet
Adorn your home and not my sidewalk
I tire of seeing germ filled items that cannot exercise social distancing
because the owner has them dearly departed
Can you not afford to pocket your mask
and put it in a Ziploc bag
you and others have not care to be bothered with a trash disposal task
that is definitely not word on the street
have some self respect you creep
That masking is
and it's acceptable
and can be seen with yours
and mine spectacles.
Michelle Smith (c)2020
Hang it off your bloodied ear
Wrap it around your broken jaw
I know it's hard to breathe in,
especially with a knee on your neck.
Replace the filter once
the fibers no longer catch
your strangled cries for
Don't let the crimson
droplets make contact,
let them soak the inside
of your face covering.
It doubles as a blindfold,
when the cadavers of
black youths become
too much to bear.
When torchlights flood the
street, devils in khakis march
in the night, use it to
hide your rage.*
When their eyes are watching
God, their warm blood pooling
on cold concrete, did it matter
if they wore their fucking masks?
Fuck COVID-19, America has
its own pandemic,
400 years strong.
Mauricio Moreno (c)2020