LA Poet Society WOMXNS ROAR 2!
On March 8, on International Womxns Day - and 100 Years since womxn had the right to vote in the USA... diverse lionesses across Los Angeles' literary scene sat down one Sunday afternoon in friendship, sisterhood, and solidarity.
It was magnificent! Hosted by LA Poet Society Founder and Poet, Jessica M. Wilson, the WOMXNS ROAR is essentially a party to celebrate the feminine energy that we all encompass. We had a special homage to Transgender (Trans) Womxn. We also sent vibes to all feminine energy that inhabit male and female bodies in all living things.
The WOMXNS ROAR 2 featured work from Rosie Alonso, Alex Trubitasky (Alex Petunias), Dorothy Randall Gray, Marie Lecrivain, Lynne Bronstein, Blackbutterfly, and Briana Munoz.
We also had guests as part of the SoapBox Poets Open Mic that typically gathers each 2nd Sunday at Beyond Baroque from 2-4pm.
Take listen to our live stream from that wonderful day.
Share comments, and other thoughts.
Enjoy and write on!